Vojislava Ilića 21/1, 11050 Belgrade
email: office@esthetic-style.rs
mob: 060/40 60 909, tel: 011/242 12 30
- migraine
- cellulite
- hair loss
- obesity
- muscle pain
- sleep disorders
- weakened immune system
- allergies
- arthrosis
- metabolic disorders
- rheumatism
- osteoporosis
- skin problems
- lumbago
- asthma
- mental disorders and depression
- arthritis
- brittle bones
Pursuing the vision of innovativeness and healthy lifestyle, the Esthetic Style Center has chosen new devices and procedures for you:
Weyergans high care
A reputable German company designed innovative treatments that caused the real revolution in the world of beauty and health. Through the process of acidity reduction, detoxification of an organism by oxygen with high concentrations of negative ions entering the body through the skin and respiratory organs, excessive acidity is eliminated in order to establish the balance in the body.
Oxygen intake in the body is vital for human health. The so-called negative ions play the main role in "transport" of oxygen into our organism. Both positive and
negative ions in the environment are the result of radiation of the Earth and the Sun, rain and wind, emission of exhaust gases, and operation of most home electrical appliances, from TV set to vacuum cleaner.
In the atmosphere, negative ions prevail because the surface of the Earth contains excess electrons. However, urban areas have much lower concentration of negative ions in
air than rural environment. It has long been known that people living in a certain type of area (in the mountains, by the waterfalls and by the sea) rarely catch a disease, and if they
do, they recover faster. In rooms with windows closed there is an imbalance between positive and negative ions, which leads to a gradual distortion of the defense mechanisms of the body.
Most people have too much acid in the body, without being aware of it. It is a direct outcome of the modern lifestyle as well as of long-practiced and not so
healthy habits:
- excessive consumption of meat, sugar, and white flour
- a diet full of colors and preservatives
- alcohol, coffee, cigarette smoke
- everyday exposure to stress (if lasting for more than 25 minutes, the organism is brought to the state of acidity)
- lack of physical activity
Think about how much 30 minutes can help your health and beauty!
1. Dermio Care detoxification – anti-stress – anti-aging
The energy emitted by negative ions leads to some psychological and physical benefits
for human body, and they are sometimes called “vitamins from the air”. Negative ions increase the level of serotonin (hormone of happiness), which helps to relieve depression, reduce stress and boost energy. That's exactly what we achieve by the Dermio Care device, which releases about 6 million negative ions per cm3 of air (for example, by a waterfall in the mountainous area, around 500,000 negative ions per cm3 are released).
By checking the acidity of your body before and after the treatment, you can confirm the efficacy of this concept.
Results of 30 minute treatment:
- elimination of excessive acids and free radicals, achievement of balance, normalization of pH
- firmer connective tissue
- regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin
- faster recovery from physical exhaustion and fatigue
- stabilization of brain function, relaxation and calmness
- strengthening of the immune system
2. Dermio Top Head - oxygen in the service of beauty
This perfect device combines in its function the health and the aesthetic aspects.
Within the magic capsule, oxygen with negative ions penetrates through the skin of the face and neck and stimulates cells’ metabolism. At the same time, oxygen is inhaled through the mouth and nose and is thus available to the whole body.
After 30 minutes of treatment, the face looks like after a few days of rest and sleep in fresh mountain air.
The skin regains tonus, radiates vitality, and the face skin becomes firm (lifting, antiage effect), fresh and visibly rejuvenated.
The whole body is revitalized by uptake of oxygen through respiratory system and circulatory system.
Visit the first DERMIO CARE CENTER in Serbia!!!
Deep rejuvenation treatment implies combined use of Dermafix apparatus for mechanical skin stimulation by hexagonal microneedles and skin stimulation by the most advanced serums (cocktails).
Mechanical stimulation by apparatus starts an array of self-healing and self-regeneration processes in the skin, thus increasing the level of fibroblast, production of collagen and elastin, and level of blood supply.
Improved blood supply and presence of microchannels (mechanically created by microneedles of Dermafix apparatus) enable direct penetration of various stimulators, growth factor, peptides, plant extracts and hyaluronic acid, contained in specially prepared cocktails we use.
The result is improvement in overall appearance, freshness and health of skin.
It is used for:
treatment of sagging skin (on face, neck, chest)
treatment of enlarged pores, oily skin and acnes
treatment of scars and blemishes (from acne, poxes, etc.)
treatment of fine lines on the face (around eyes and lips, on forehead, cheeks, neck and chest)
Esthetic Style Center continually observes the novelties in anti-aging medicine in a desire to offer to its patients the latest world trends in treatments and products, but it also works on development of its own methods, which yield excellent results.
The state-of-the-art Dermafix apparatus has become our choice because:
it has less invasive hexagonal needles thus making the treatment less painful than when using some other device of the kind (the pain can be completely eliminated when an anesthetic cream is applied to the treated area);
it has vertical stamping movement of needles at a rate of 1,000-1,600 times a minute, the thickness of a needle is 0.2 mm, and its motor has 9 speed settings;
the length of a needle is adjustable, ranging from 0.25 to 2 mm, depending on the treated skin area and desired effect;
the maximum number of micro-needling induces new cells – new collagen.
The treatment lasts for one hour. It begins with a deep skin cleansing with an oxygen foam. After application of anesthetic cream, the skin is treated with Dermafix apparatus and selected serum (adjusted to a skin type). Finally, peptide mask is applied and then a facial cream.
Doctors in Esthetic Style Center, specialists in anti-aging medicine, combine in their work their vast experience, professional knowledge and talent, with performance of the state-of-the-art Dermafix apparatus!
Esthetic Style Centar i u 2016. godini želi da vaša lepota zablista i da budete jedinstveni ne samo u novogodišnjoj noći, već i u mnogobrojnim prazničnim danima koji slede. Zato smo kreirali novogodišnje pakete koji daju izvanredne efekte sa odmah vidljivim rezultatima i dugim trajanjem:
Za hidriranu, glatku i baršunastu kožu lica, vrata i dekoltea, za blistavi sjaj
Potrebno vam je da odmah zablistate i nemate vremena za česte odlaske u centre antiaging medicine.Nudimo vam tretman brzog podmlađivanja koji rešava vaš problem.To je kombinova metoda hemijskog pilinga i mezoterapije nastala u Esthetic Style Centru kao najlepši dar stručnosti i umeća antiaging doktora.
Specijalno odabran hemijski piling (prema tipu vaše kože) kojim započinjemo tretman, poboljšaće kvalitet i strukturu kože i regenerisati je na prirodan način.
Rezultat: hidrirana i baršunasta koža, bez bora, ožiljaka na licu,vratu i dekolteu. Idealan izbor svim osobama koje žele da na prirodan i diskretan način svojoj koži pruže sjajnu negu, povrate svežinu i jedrinu lica. Tretman lica obuhvata piling, masažu lica, vrata i dekoltea, serum sa dubinskim delovanjem i glow masku po tipu kože.
Čarobna, potpuno prirodna metoda podmlađivanja
IPRF je prestižna metoda podmlađivanja sa dugotrajnim efektima i izvanrednim rezultatima na koži lica, vrata, dekoltea i šaka. IPRF metodom se može povećati i volumen usana, ali i zategnuti bore i osvežiti opuštena koža koja dobija sjaj i mladalački izgled. Ovu jedinstvenu metodu kod koje je apsolutno sve prirodno i vaše, bez ikakvih hemijskih primesa, izdvaja i dobijeni preparat koji je 100 % prirodan i kao takav se aplikuje u kožu. IPRF je fibrin bogat trombocitima namenjen za upotrebu u tečnom obliku radi lakše injekcione aplikacije. Ponosni što smo među prvima sa timom specijalista počeli da primenjujemo IPRF koji daje dugotrajne rezultate, večitu mladolikost i izgled koji pleni.
Preporučujemo ovaj izvanredan tretman baš za dane praznika i nezaboravnu Novogodišnju noć
Lepe, senzualne, poželjne, oblikovane kao najlepši izazov
Uvećanje i korekcija usana - Idealan tretman za osobe sa tankim, asimetričnim usnama, a naročito onima sa tankom gornjom usnom i tanki ,pušačkim borama oko usana.
Procedura se radi u lokalnoj anesteziji i apsolutno je bezbolna. Za 15-30 minuta dobićete željeni oblik usana. Vaše usne će biti senzualne, privlačne, prirodno uvećane i znatno podmlađene.Pored postizanja volumena, moguće je podići uglove usana, iskorigovati postojeću asimetriju, naglasiti konture i ukloniti sitne bore oko usana.Nakon tretmana mogući su blag otok i crvenilo, koje prolazi za par dana. Željeni efekat traje od 4-12 meseci, što je individualno i zavisi od više faktora. Svaki sledeći tretman daje duži vremenski period trajanja. Dakle, novi izgled sa dugim trajanjem i vizuelnim savršanstvom.
Na kraju pitajte, slušajte i rukovodite se sopstvenim osećajem jer estetska autentičnost je samo vaš izbor koju dobar lekar mora da sledi. U meri u kojoj se lekar edukuje raste i anti-aging medicina. Mi smo edukovani i dosledni i bezgranično poštujemo svoje pacijente.
Esthetic Style Centar se brine o jedinstvenoj lepoti svojih klijenata primenjujući najsavremenije metode antiaging medicine. Upoznaćemo vas sa najnovijom metodom koja je revolucionarna u podmlađivanju kože i potpuno prirodna. Ponosni što smo među prvima sa timom specijalista počeli da primenjujemo IPRF u Esthetic Style Centru.
IPRF je jedinstvena metoda kod koje je apsolutno sve prirodno i vaše bez ikakvih hemijskih primesa a samim tim je i dobijeni preparat 100 % prirodan i kao takav se aplikuje u vašu kožu. IPRF je fibrin bogat trombocitima namenjen za upotrebu u tečnom obliku radi lakše injekcione aplikacije.
Svoja fantastična svojstva IPRF pokazuje ne samo u kozmetičke svrhe već i u regenerativnoj medicini i njenoj terapeutskoj primeni.
Poslovna politika Centra je praćenje savremenih trendova iz sveta antiaging medicine, kao i upotreba najsavremenijih i najkvalitetnijih materijala i metoda. Zbog velikog interesovanja odlučili smo da Novogodišnje vaučere koje niste iskoristili možete iskoristiti povodom 8-og marta.
Poklonite dragim osobama vredan i lep dar, vaučere lepote koji će ih obradovati i podsetiti da vole i neguju sebe.
U ponudi je više vrsta različitih vaučera, na Vama je samo da odaberete!
Za sva dodatna pitanja, na raspolaganju Vam stoji srdačno osoblje naseg Centra.
Pozovite i zajedno ćemo odabrati pravi vaučer za Vas!